Part of PSHE is ensuring the safety of our students not only in school but outside of school.
Display these posters to remind students of the importance of surfing safely.
We can judge, assess and assume to know our students but do we really?
These Self-Evaluation templates will allow you to see exactly where a student thinks they are in relation to lessons, subjects and overall achievement.
This pack contains over 15 printables for student self-evaluation.
-End of Year Target Goals for following year
-End of Year Subject Evaluation
-End of Term Subject Evaluation
-End of Term Overall Evaluation
-Overall Self-Evaluation including expected Grade outcome
-End of Lesson Evaluation
-Achievements and Goals
-Areas needing extra support
This fun Christmas Quiz is filled with lots of festive cheer!
Included in this download
One powerpoint presentation
-32 Questions (questions cover a whole variety of Christmas related things, music, movies, Christmas Dinner, Rudolph and more...)
Suitable for children aged 7-11
Merry Christmas! :)
Other Christmas Resources can be found here:
Christmas/Winter Emergent Writing Pack
Christmas Games
Winter Maths and Literacy Pack
Winter Writing and Poetry Pack
Elf Themed Activity Pack
It’s time to stamp out bullying before it begins.
Display these posters around school halls and rooms to encourage children to Speak Up!
Download includes-
A pack of 15 Anti-Bullying Posters in Colour.
Can be used all year round to encourage anti-bullying.
Students need to be able to thrive and grow into mature, responsible and stable adults.
They need to be taught to believe in themselves and in life itself.
Download this Resource Pack today to teach Children 'The Pursuit of Happiness' and how they can achieve their goals.
Covers different areas of learning such as;
-Resilient Thinking
-Energy and Emotions
-Goals and Achievements
-Strengths and Weaknesses
-Happiness and how to achieve it
This is an EXTENSIVE pack (whole unit).
Includes over 80 pages
-One presentation
-Over 20 worksheets
-Task cards and writing prompts
-Writing Templates
-Literacy Templates (these can also used for CLL and PSHE)
The pack is differentiated and can be used for KS1/KS2
*EYFS would be able to use the Task Cards / Posters and Presentation.
The worksheets could be used but as part of discussion.
Download includes (2 resource packs- 1 presentation and 1 set of worksheets /printables)
If you need a KS3 version, you can find one by clicking the link below!
Yes, they are quite literally what they say they are. These tokens allow students to opt out of up to 12 activities and/or homework a year.
Download includes-
-Opt Out Tokens for Classroom Activities
-Opt Out Tokens for Homework
-Opt Out Feedback Form
Ideal for SEN students who may not want to participate.
These 5 minute Brain Break Activity Cards will give your students a break! A break that some of them so often need!
Give them 5/10 minutes to step away from ‘learning’. With these fun activity cards, students will ‘think’ they aren’t learning but having fun, of course, that isn’t true!
Task cards are FUN and educational! Many cover lots of learning areas; self-control, speaking and listening, creative form and much, much more!
These brain breaks are suitable for students of ALL ages.
This resource is FANTASTIC for students with ASD/Aspergers/ADHD and other SEN.
This resource is excellent for creating entirely new and unplanned characters and scenarios. Included are 100 Improvisation tasks.
The resource includes: set lines, alphabetical dialogue, solo and group tasks.
Each task card includes some information, this information has been selected randomly and will lead to some humorous drama and dialogue between students.
Some task cards include characters and locations, others simply set lines.
Task cards state number of students to carry out improv, some require the use of vocal and language constraints and others allow for complete spontaneity.
This resource is suitable for KS3 / KS4
Word Maps are a must for all lessons. Students should be able to write down any words that they have not understood . This is not confined to literacy alone but can and should be used for all subjects.
Words maps are excellent visual aids for those students that find spellings and new vocabulary difficult. Enhancing vocabulary is important across the board as it improves reading levels.
Included in this download
-10 Differentiated Word Maps
Check out the preview!
This resource enables students to reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information. Exit Slips easily incorporate writing into the content area classroom and require students to think critically. Exit slips easily incorporate writing into many different content areas.
Furthermore, the Exit Slip strategy is an informal assessment that will allow educators to adapt and differentiate their planning and instruction. These Exit Slips can either be put into student portfolios and/or stuck into class notebooks alongside the lesson.
These Exit Slips ask students for feedback on their lesson, what they have learned, what they may need extra support and/or guidance with. Exit slips can be used for all subjects.
Included in this download
-25 Exit Slips
A wonderful pack to tackle friendships, anti-bullying and kindness in EYFS/KS1.
The pack includes several writing tasks (guided lines provided on most worksheets)
Classroom Posters
12 Kindness Task Cards
Acrostic Poem Template
12 Worksheets
1 Certificate
Real life photos showing simple acts of kindness (can be used for further discussion and/or descriptive writing)
Check out the preview!
Included in this 12 page download are over 10 Questions to encourage students to have a Growth Mindset rather than a Fixed Mindset.
Additional-A4 page with all the questions included - this can be stuck into a homework diary, students should be encouraged to read it and answer the questions on a daily or weekly basis.
Ideal for PSHE/Tutor Time and/or Circle Time for KS1.
A presentation display pack on Growth Mindset for Students.
Can be useful at this time of year when children are starting to struggle, remind them that struggling means they are learning!
Included in this download is also a PDF Format with 10 posters to encourage a Growth Mindset in your classroom.
**can be used ALL year round!
It's Winter, NO, that does not mean you should be searching for indoor activities - of course, yes, there needs to be indoor learning but PLEASE, make sure you take your students outside in Winter.
I have compiled 110 task cards and games for Winter Outdoor Learning!
The cards are split - yellow are TASKS and green are GAMES.
You can laminate these and loop them with a key ring hoop for extra durability or you can use a plain old grip.
I have them in a big bin and the children choose one card every week for the following week (just incase prep is needed!)
These task cards cover ALL areas of the curriculum. They include; science, geography, understanding the world, literacy, art and maths.
110 Task Cards - you can choose ONE a day!! :)
Assessment is changing- yes,again!
The NEW NC is being assessed for the first time in May 2016.
The KS1 SPAG 2016 ASSESSMENTS are currently still 'in design'.
The content of the tests is being drawn up from the statutory appendices that are already in place from 2014.
The test will consist of three parts; a short written task, it has been suggested that stimulus and prompts may be given. The second section will be themed questions, they may be represented in a number of ways and the third section will focus on Spelling.
All pupils at the end of key stage 1 will be expected to take all three papers. These will be marked 'in house'.
I've put together a 20 page 'mini assessment' covering all three areas.
File has been updated and now includes 29 pages.
This is the Second Workbook / Mini Assessment Book. You can find the first one below.
Included in this download are 4 ‘All About Me’ board games.
These board games make excellent games for centres and/or stations. Children enjoy playing these games in pairs or as a group- they work well in EFL/ELL classrooms and encourage speaking and listening.